Thursday, January 10, 2008


Ads. TV. Movies. Sports. Yahoo. People and all their "interests." Blogs. Heroes. Religions. Fashion. Trends. Opinions. Mindlessness. Monkeymind. Mindmongering. No mind. Never mind. Endless disappointment. Ceaseless fetishizing. Always more.


What else?

An alternative?

What's that?

But there's nothing else!

How could what I've spent so much time trying frantically to escape be exactly what I desire most? Well let me sit with it a while and see what happens...

That wasn't so bad. But now all the [Ads. TV. Movies. Sports. Yahoo. People and all their "interests." Blogs. Heroes. Religions. Fashion. Trends. Opinions. Mindlessness. Monkeymind. Mindmongering. No mind. Never mind. Endless disappointment. Ceaseless fetishizing. Always more.] is missing. I see there's nothing there! So there was NOTHING all along. So what was I running from? What was I avoiding?

Was it the love of God?

Was it my own potential?

Was it my empathy for others?


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